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Home > Products > Electric tool commutator

Electric tool commutator
Category:Electric tool commutator
Release date:2018-03-30 16:03:41
Product External
Total height Outer hook diameter Bore diameterφ Depht of sinks Hook length Hook thickness Plastic thickness The number of commutator bar Commutator bar length
QZQC-HJ12-59 28.4 14.2 21 35.5 17 2 5 1.2 1 12 25.5
QZQC-HJ32-59-A 28.4 9.5 21 35.5 / / 5 1.2 1 12  
QZQC-HJ12-59A 28.5 14.2 20 35.5 17 2 5 1.2 0.5 12 25
QZQC-HJ12-59B 28 14.2 19 35.5 17 2 5 1.2 1 12 24.3
DZQC-HJ32-59C 28.5 9.5 31.5 36.3 / / 7.2 1.6 2 12 36.6
QZQC-HJ32-69G 32 12.7 20 39.3 17 5 7 1.5 1 16 26.4
QZQC-HJ32-69G-A 32 10 20 39.3 17 5 7 1.5 1 16 26.4
QZQC-HJ32-69H 32 12 20 39.3 / / 6 1.4 1 16 26.4
QZQD-HJ31-89D 32 13 21 38 16 2.5 3 1.2 2 32 21.5
QZQD-HJ31-89E 32 12 21 38 16 2.5 3 1.2 2 32 21.5
QZQC-HJ32-89F 32 13 21 38 16 2.5 3 1.2 2 32 21.5
 DZQD-HJ31-89G 32 12 21 39 16 2.5 4 1.2 2 32 22.6
DZQC-HJ31-89H 32 12 21 39 16 2.5 4.2 0.85 2 32 22.6
DZQC-HJ31-97H 37 12.5 25 43.6 22 3.1 3.5 1.2 2 32 24.8
DZQC-HJ32-97K 37 13 25 43.6 22 3.1 3.5 1.2 2 32 24.8
DZQC-HJ32-97L 37 13 25 43.6 22 3.1 3.5 1.2 2 32 24.8
DZQD-HJ32-97M 37 12.5 25 42 22 3.5 4 1 2 32 25.4
DZQD-HJ32-97N 37 10 25 42 22 3.5 4 1 2 32 25.4
JZQC-HJ32-220 32.3 12.7 24 42 / / 6.5 1.6 1 16 28.5
DZQC-HJ32-398G 30.5 12.7 17.8 36.3 14.4 2 4 1 / 24 23.2

Hits:  UpdateTime:2018-03-30 16:03:41 【Print】 【Top


Electric tool commutator


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    Electric tool commutator
  • Electric tool commutator
    Electric tool commutator
  • Electric tool commutator
    Electric tool commutator
  • Electric tool commutator
    Electric tool commutator
  • Electric tool commutator
    Electric tool commutator
  • Electric tool commutator
    Electric tool commutator
  • Electric tool commutator
    Electric tool commutator


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